A Study Guide to Chinua Achebe's Anthills of the Savannah
Kunle Abrahams, |
One Doctor's Odyssey - The Social Lesion (HardBack)
Sir Donald Acheson, |
Mathematical Physics
R H Atkin, |
The Mathematical Foundations of Physics
R.H. Atkin, |
Race matters: Widening ethnic diversity in journalism (Ethical Space Vol.9 Nos 2/3)
David Baines, Deborah Chambers, |
Lace Villages
Liz Bartlett, |
Leeds Medieval Studies Vol.1
Catherine Batt, Alaric Hall, Alan V. Murray, |
Richard II in New York
Steven Berkoff, |
Shoots out of Eden - Christian Monastic Gardening in the British Isles
Francis Beswick, |
Leeds Studies in English 2013
Carole Biggam, Alaric Hall, |
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and through the Looking Glass: A Victorian Satire?
Elissa Bradley, |
Ethical Space - Journal With a Difference: Celebrating 20 Years Vol. 1
Tom Bradshaw, Sue Joseph, Richard Lance Keeble, Donald Matheson, |
Ethical Space - Journal With a Difference: Celebrating 20 Years Vol. 2
Tom Bradshaw, Sue Joseph, Richard Lance Keeble, Donald Matheson, |
Ethical Space Vol.15 Issue 1/2
Tom Bradshaw, Daragh Minogue, |
First Course in Digital Signal Processing using DADiSP
Allen Brown, Zhang Jun, |
Necessary Noises - An Introduction to English Phonology
Steve Buckledee, |
The Role of Motivation in Second Language Acquisition
Steve Buckledee, |
Leeds Studies in English 2010
Janet Burton, William Marx, Veronica O'Mara, |
Kant and Revolution
Lenval A Callender, |
On the Quantum Potential
Robert Carroll, |
At Your Service
Rajul Chande, |
Particle Physics, Dark Matter and Dark Energy
David Chapple, |
The Quantum World
David Chapple, |
Social Psychology
C I D Clark, |
Handbook of Psychology Concepts
C I D Clark, |
Doing The Right Thing
Tom Cooper, |
George Orwell Studies vol.7 No.1
Tim Crook, Richard Lance Keeble, |
George Orwell Studies Vol.7 No.2
Tim Crook, Richard Lance Keeble, |
George Orwell Studies Vol.9 No.1
Tim Crook, Richard Lance Keeble, |
Egbe History and Culture - 2nd Edition
James Dada, Titus Oshagbemi, |
Sunderland Jewry at War
Harold A Davis, |
History of the NASUWT
Nigel de Gruchy, |
History of the NASUWT
Nigel de Gruchy, |
Smart Guide to becoming a Medical Sales Representative
Penny Dhanjal, |
Ethical Space Vol.14 Issue 4
Scott Downham, Richard Murray, |
Ethical Space Vol.14 Issue 2/3
Sallyanne Duncan, Jackie Newton, |
Victims and Viragos: Metropolitan Women, Crime and the Eighteenth-Century Justice System
Gregory Durston, |
Victims and Viragos: Metropolitan Women, Crime and the Eighteenth-Century Justice System (HardBack)
Gregory Durston, |
The Law of Contract in England & Wales
Gregory J Durston, |
Known to the Police
Gregory J Durston, |
A "Dereliction of Moral Feeling"
Gregory J. Durston, |
Generally Covariant Unified Field Theory - The Geometrization of Physics - Volume III
Myron W Evans, |
Generally Covariant Unified Field Theory
Myron W Evans, |
Generally Covariant Unified Field Theory - The Geometrization of Physics - Volume VI
Myron W Evans, |
Generally Covariant Unified Field Theory - The Geometrization of Physics - Volume IV
Evans. Myron W, |
Evans Equations of Unified Field Theory
Laurence G Felker, |
Data Journalism: Inside the global future
Tom Felle, John Mair, Damian Radcliffe, |
FOI 10 years on
Tom Felle, John Mair, |
Young People as Reflexive Insider-Ethnographers within Teaching, Learning and Behavioural Environments
Allan Stuart Fowler, |
Design Aspects of Power Transformers and Reactors
Jim Fyvie, |
An Introduction to Accounting
James Gachihi, David Spurling, |
Fun With Maths
C Ganesan, |
Quantum Motion - Unveiling the mysterious quantum world
Shan Gao, |
Turning Monkeys into Lemons
Lee Gilbert, |
The Secrets of the Serious Players' Webmaster
Lee Gilbert, |
The Fable of the Sharks
Eduard Gracia, |
Music On Deaf Ears
Lucy Green, |
Leeds Studies in English 2009
Alaric Hall, |
Leeds Studies in English 2011
Alaric Hall, |
Leeds Studies in English 2012
Alaric Hall, |
Leeds Studies in English 2014
Alaric Hall, |
Leeds Studies in English 2015
Alaric Hall, |
Leeds Studies in English 2016
Alaric Hall, |
Leeds Studies in English 2017
Alaric Hall, |
Leeds Studies in English 2018
Alaric Hall, |
Cognitive Therapy in Practice - A Guide to the Assessment and Treatment of Common Psychological Problems
Chris L. Hamilton, |
Screens of Terror
Philip Hammond, |
Ethical Space Vol. 20 Issue 2/3
Debra Harry, Beth Ginondidoy Leonard, Ocean Mercier, |
Smart Read Easy
Margaret Henderson Smith, |
Ethical Space Vol. 19 Issue 3/4
Barbara Henderson, David Baines, |
Guild, Hospital and Alderman
Nick Hill, Alan Rogers, |
The Seven Deadly Sins of Modern Cinema
Paul E Hill, |
From Wireless to Radio: Bridging the Gap - History, Experiments and Facts for the Beginner
John Hough, |
The Profiling Handbook
Sue Joseph, Richard Lance Keeble, |
Ethical Space Vol.15 Issue 3/4
Sue Joseph, |
We Stood Shoulder to Shoulder
Jack Kagan, Inna Gerasimova, Viacheslav Selemenev, |
Elements of Temporal Topos
Goro C Kato, |
The Proverbial Manager
Steve Kay, |
Ethical Space Vol.7 Issue 2/3
Richard Keeble, Donald Matheson, |
Ethical Space Vol.7 No.4
Richard Keeble, Donald Matheson, |
Ethical Space Vol.8 No.1-2
Richard Keeble, Donald Matheson, |
Ethical Space Vol.8 Issue 3/4
Richard Keeble, Donald Matheson, |
Ethical Space Vol.9 Issue 1
Richard Keeble, Donald Matheson, |
Ethical Space: The International Journal of Communication Ethics - Vol. 4 No. 4 2007
Keeble, Donald Matheson, |
Ethical Space Vol.5 Nos 1/2 2008
Keeble, Donald Matheson, |
George Orwell Studies Vol.4 No.1
Richard Lance Keeble, Tim Crook, |
George Orwell Studies Vol.4 No.2
Richard Lance Keeble, Tim Crook, |
George Orwell Studies Vol.5 No.1
Richard Lance Keeble, Tim Crook, |
George Orwell Studies Vol.5 No.2
Richard Lance Keeble, Tim Crook, |
George Orwell Studies Vol.6 No.1
Richard Lance Keeble, Tim Crook, |
George Orwell Studies Vol.8 No.2
Richard Lance Keeble, Tim Crook, |
Playing Footsie With the FTSE? The Great Crash of 2008 (Ethical Space Vol.6 Nos 3/4)
Richard Lance Keeble, John Mair, |
Afghanistan, War and the Media
Richard Lance Keeble, John Mair, |
The Phone Hacking Scandal: Journalism on Trial (revised)
Richard Lance Keeble, John Mair, |
Ethical Space Vol.16 Issue 2/3
Richard Lance Keeble, Donald Matheson, Shannon Bowen, Sue Joseph, |
Ethical Space Vol.16 Issue 1
Richard Lance Keeble, Donald Matheson, Sue Joseph, Shannon Bowen, |
Ethical Space Vol.16 Issue 4
Richard Lance Keeble, Donald Matheson, Sue Joseph, |
Ethical Space Vol.17 Issue 1
Richard Lance Keeble, Donald Matheson, Sue Joseph, |
Ethical Space Vol.17 Issue 2
Richard Lance Keeble, Donald Matheson, Sue Joseph, |
Ethical Space Vol.9 Issue 4
Richard Lance Keeble, Donald Matheson, |
Ethical Space Vol.10 Issue 1
Richard Lance Keeble, Donald Matheson, |
Ethical Space Vol. 10 Issue 2/3
Richard Lance Keeble, Donald Matheson, |
Ethical Space Vol.10 Issue 4
Richard Lance Keeble, Donald Matheson, |
Ethical Space Vol.11 Issue 1/2
Richard Lance Keeble, Donald Matheson, |
Ethical Space Vol.11 Issue 3
Richard Lance Keeble, Donald Matheson, |
Ethical Space Vol.11 Issue 4
Richard Lance Keeble, Donald Matheson, |
Ethical Space Vol.12 Issue 1
Richard Lance Keeble, Donald Matheson, |
Ethical Space Vol.12 Issue 2
Richard Lance Keeble, Donald Matheson, |
Ethical Space Vol.13 Issue 1
Richard Lance Keeble, Donald Matheson, |
Ethical Space Vol.13 Issue 4
Richard Lance Keeble, Donald Matheson, |
Ethical Space Vol.14 Issue 1
Richard Lance Keeble, Donald Matheson, |
Pleasures of the Prose
Richard Lance Keeble, David Swick, |
Orwell Today
Richard Lance Keeble, |
Covering Conflict
Richard Lance Keeble, |
George Orwell Studies Vol.3 No.1
Richard Lance Keeble, |
George Orwell Studies Vol.3 No.2
Richard Lance Keeble, |
George Orwell, the Secret State and the Making of Nineteen Eighty-Four
Richard Lance Keeble, |
Orwell's Moustache
Richard Lance Keeble, |
It's the Media Stupid!
Richard Lance Keeble, |
George Orwell Studies Vol.6 No.2
Richard Lance Keeble, |
Theory of Evolution and Relaxation in Multi-Spin Systems
Danuta Kruk, |
Ethical Space Vol.12 Issue 3/4
Paul Lashmar, Richard Lance Keeble, |
The Impact of Internet on the Mass Media in Europe
Nikos Leandros, |
Assessing the Delivery of BBC Radio 5 Live's Public Service Commitments
Tim Luckhurst, Ben Cocking, Ian Reeves, Rob Bailey, |
Responsibility without Power
Tim Luckhurst, |
The Challenge of Value
Harry Macdivitt, Mike Wilkinson, |
Reporting the War in Ukraine
John Mair, Andrew Beck, |
What Price Channel 4 Now?
John Mair, Fiona Chesterton, Neil Fowler, David Lloyd, Ian Reeves, |
What Price Channel 4?
John Mair, Fiona Chesterton, David Lloyd, Ian Reeves, |
Populism, the Pandemic and the Media
John Mair, Tor Clark, Neil Fowler, Raymond Snoddy, Richard Tait, |
Brexit, Trump and the Media
John Mair, Tor Clark, Neil Fowler, Raymond Snoddy, |
Anti-Social Media?
John Mair, Tor Clark, Neil Fowler, Raymond Snoddy, |
Brexit, Boris and the Media
John Mair, Tor Clark, Neil Fowler, Raymond Snoddy, |
What Do We Mean By Local? (2nd Edition)
John Mair, Richard Lance Keeble, Neil Fowler, |
Data Journalism: Past, Present and Future
John Mair, Richard Lance Keeble, Megan Lucero, Martin Moore, |
Beyond Trust
John Mair, Richard Lance Keeble, |
Face The Future
John Mair, Richard Lance Keeble, |
Investigative Journalism; Dead or Alive?
John Mair, Richard Lance Keeble, |
Mirage In The Desert? Reporting The 'Arab Spring'
John Mair, Richard Lance Keeble, |
Data Journalism
John Mair, Richard Lance Keeble, |
Ethical Space Vol.17 Issue 3/4
John Mair, Donald Matheson, |
Is The BBC In Crisis?
John Mair, Richard Tait, Richard Lance Keeble, |
The BBC Today: Future Uncertain
John Mair, Richard Tait, Richard Lance Keeble, |
Last Words?
Mair, Tor
Clark, Neil
Fowler, Raymond
Snoddy, Richard Tait, |
After Leveson? - The Future for British Journalism
John Mair, |
Communicating War: Memory, Media & Military
Maltby, Richard Keeble, |
Safety, Quality, Tricks and Lies
Steve Martin, |
Ethical Space Vol.18 Issue 1/2
Donald Matheson, Sue Joseph, Tom Bradshaw, Richard Lance Keeble, |
Ethical Space Vol. 21 Issue 1
Donald Matheson, Sue Joseph, Tom Bradshaw, Richard Lance Keeble, |
Ethical Space Vol. 19 Issue 1
Donald Matheson, Sue Joseph, Tom Bradshaw, |
Ethical Space Vol. 20 Issue 1
Donald Matheson, Sue Joseph, Tom Bradshaw, |
Ethical Space Vol. 19 Issue 2
Donald Matheson, |
The Stress Gremlins - Developing strategies for stress
Ann McCracken, |
You Selling You
Steve Miller, |
Refreshing Your Skills for Self-Employment
Chrissie Minton, |
Women at Work in a Man's World
Chrissie Minton, |
Effective Theory of Quantum Gravity:Soluble Sector
Subodha Mishra, Joy Christian, |
George Orwell Studies Vol.1 No.1
John Newsinger, Richard Lance Keeble, |
George Orwell Studies Vol.1 No.2
John Newsinger, Richard Lance Keeble, |
George Orwell Studies Vol.2 No.1
John Newsinger, Richard Lance Keeble, |
George Orwell Studies Vol.2 No.2
John Newsinger, Richard Lance Keeble, |
International Students’ Experience in UK Higher Education
Eunice Okorocha, |
Dictionary of Mass Communication
O Charles Okwelume, |
Tradition, Culture & Underdevelopment of Africa
Udobata R Onunwa, |
African Spirituality
Udobata R Onunwa, |
What is Life? - A Gravity Driven Model of Cosmological Evolution and Origin of Life (Revised Edition)
P H Pinter, |
No Road Home
James Rodgers, |
Communicate to Win
Carolina Rodriguez, |
The Act Book of St Katherine's Guild, Stamford, 1480-1534
Alan Rogers, |
People and Property in Medieval Stamford
Alan Rogers, |
Noble Merchant: William Browne (c1410-1489) and Stamford in the Fifteenth Century
Alan Rogers, |
TheWardens: Managing a Late Medieval Hospital
Alan Rogers, |
William Cecil's Survey of Stamford 1595
Alan Rogers, |
Ethical Space Vol. 21 Issue 2/3
Karen Ross, David Baines, |
Ethical Space Vol. 20 Issue 4
Tess Scholfield-Peters, |
Hydraulic Troubleshooter
Don Seddon, |
God Does Play Dice with the Universe
Gao Shan, |
Principles of Business and Management (2nd Edition)
David Spurling, James Gachihi, Simon Cruickshank, John Spurling, |
Ethical Space Vol. 21 Issue 4
Ben Stubbs, |
Communication and Creative Democracy
Omar Swartz, |
The Sunderland Beth Hamedresh 1889 - 1999
Derek Taylor, Harold Davis, |
Create Your Own Success Story
Colin Thompson, |
Accidents: Causes, Investigation and Prevention
James Thornhill, |
Ethical Space Vol.13 Issue 2/3
Judith Townend, Denis Muller, Richard Lance Keeble, |
Differential Forms for Cartan-Klein Geometry
Jose G. Vargas, |
George Orwell Studies Vol.8 No.1
Nathan Waddell, Tim Crook, Richard Lance Keeble, |
Experimental Statistics using MINITAB
Colin Weatherup, |
The Seven Challenges of Value
Mike Wilkinson, Harry Macdivitt, |
The Ideal and the Real - Kant's Theory of Space, Time and Mathematical Construction
A T Winterbourne, |
The Limits of Ecology: New Perspectives from a Theoretical Borderland
Michael A Woodley, |
| |