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Reporting the War in Ukraine
by John Mair, Andrew Beck,

ISBN: 9781845498023
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What Price Channel 4 Now?
by John Mair, Fiona Chesterton, Neil Fowler, David Lloyd, Ian Reeves,

ISBN: 9781845497880
cover price: £19.95

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Orwell's Moustache
by Richard Lance Keeble,

ISBN: 9781845497866
cover price: £14.95

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Populism, the Pandemic and the Media
by John Mair, Tor Clark, Neil Fowler, Raymond Snoddy, Richard Tait,

ISBN: 9781845497859
cover price: £19.95

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Assessing the Delivery of BBC Radio 5 Live's Public Service Commitments
by Tim Luckhurst, Ben Cocking, Ian Reeves, Rob Bailey,

ISBN: 9781845497392
cover price: £10.00

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Anti-Social Media?
by John Mair, Tor Clark, Neil Fowler, Raymond Snoddy,

ISBN: 9781845497293
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Data Journalism: Past, Present and Future
by John Mair, Richard Lance Keeble, Megan Lucero, Martin Moore,

ISBN: 9781845497149
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Brexit, Trump and the Media
by John Mair, Tor Clark, Neil Fowler, Raymond Snoddy,

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Last Words?
by John Mair, Tor Clark, Neil Fowler, Raymond Snoddy, Richard Tait,

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Data Journalism: Inside the global future
by Tom Felle, John Mair, Damian Radcliffe,

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What Price Channel 4?
by John Mair, Fiona Chesterton, David Lloyd, Ian Reeves,

ISBN: 9781845496807
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The Phone Hacking Scandal: Journalism on Trial (revised)
by Richard Lance Keeble, John Mair,

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Mirage In The Desert? Reporting The 'Arab Spring'
by John Mair, Richard Lance Keeble,

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Covering Conflict
by Richard Lance Keeble,

ISBN: 9781845497101
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After Leveson? - The Future for British Journalism
by John Mair,

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Edited by John Mair, Fiona Chesterton, Neil Fowler, David Lloyd, Ian Reeves, Raymond Snoddy and Richard Tait

This book was never expected to need a revised and expanded edition. By the time our first edition had been published in June 2016 the government had unexpectedly answered our question What Future for Channel 4? by abandoning its plan to sell it off, settling for more modest changes, including moving more of its operations out of London. Like Margaret Thatcher in 1988 and John Major in 1997, David Cameron had looked at privatisation and rejected it. We - and most readers - made the assumption that Channel 4's future had been settled for at least a decade.
But when, just five years later, the Johnson government revived the idea of privatising Channel 4, it was clear that many of the arguments of principle in the original book were still very relevant. And we had also set out to do more than cover the ownership debate. We had wanted to analyse this unique institution through contributions from some of the key producers and executives from its early days to the current battle over its future.
David Abraham, Roy Ackerman, Steven Barnett, Patrick Barwise, Mike Bolland, Sue Bourne, Karen Brown, Maggie Brown, Terry Burns, Jane Callaghan, Sophie Chalk, Bernard Clark, Alex Cannock, Stephen Cushion, Farrukh Dhondy, Molly Dineen, Torin Douglas, Melanie Dowling, David Elstein, Liz Forgan, Roger Graef, David Graham, Sylvia Harvey, Lorraine Heggessey, Emily Jennings, Kim Longinotto, Alex Mahon, John Mair, Paul Moody, John Newbigin, David Pearson, Peter Preston, Stewart Purvis, Anthony Smith, Raymond Snoddy, Dean Stockton, Richard Tait, Toby Syfret and Matt Walsh.

What Price Channel 4 Now?
Orwell's Moustache
by Richard Lance Keeble

Over 70 years since his death, George Orwell - author of Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four, essayist and activist journalist of the left - remains one of the most significant and popular writers of the last century. Here, in a collection of recent original, entertaining and often controversial essays, Richard Lance Keeble throws new insights on Orwell - the man, his writings, his life and his first wife, Eileen O'Shaughnessy. Topics include:
  • the politics of dress and undress,
  • representations of fatherhood,
  • advertisements and the political economy of the media,
  • Orwell and Evelyn Waugh,
  • his surprising, life-long love of D. H. Lawrence's writings,
  • the importance and delight of the domestic diaries,
  • Orwell and the theatre,
  • how Eileen saved his life during 1938 flu epidemic,
  • Eton and the 'invisible masonic network of support'.

Richard Lance Keeble is one of our leading authorities on George Orwell. Everything he writes is essential reading for anyone interested in the man, his writings and his times. The essays collected in this volume are insightful, informative and often entertaining as well, a rare combination.
John Newsinger, author of Hope Lies in the Proles

Once again Prof. Keeble has come up with some fascinating insights into the world of George Orwell.
Richard Blair, Patron of The Orwell Society.

Keeble has skilfully broadened our appreciation of Orwell's wide-ranging interests, along with delightful eccentricities, that other scholars have traditionally glossed over.
Sylvia Topp, author of Eileen: The Making of George Orwell

Orwell's Moustache confirms Richard Keeble's reputation as one of Orwell's most acute and knowledgeable readers, reinventing for the twenty-first century a man we think we know: the always compelling, always contradictory figure of George Orwell whose passions, obsessions, strengths and secrets here assume new meanings through analysis of everything from Orwell's dress to his father, his wife, his jokes, his diet, his fishing, and of course, his writing and politics.
Kristin Bluemel, Monmouth University, NJ

A brilliant and consistently original assortment of responses to the always surprising complexity of Orwell's obsessions, familiar and unfamiliar - from his love of fishing, to his enduring concern with the politics of food, to the delights of recording small things in small ways in small diary entries, and much more besides. This is imaginative and in the best sense sympathetic criticism written by one of today's leading Orwell scholars.
Nathan Waddell, University of Birmingham

Orwell's Moustache
Populism, the Pandemic and the Media
Edited by John Mair, Tor Clark, Neil Fowler, Raymond Snoddy and Richard Tait

Populism is on the rise across the globe. Authoritarian populist leaders have taken over and solidified their control over many countries. Their power has been cemented during the global coronavirus pandemic, though perhaps the defeat of populist-in-chief Donald Trump in the 2020 US presidential election (despite his continuing protestations to the contrary) has seen the start of the waning of this phenomenon?
In the UK Brexit is 'done'; Britain is firmly out of the EU; Covid is vaccinated against; and Boris Johnson has a huge parliamentary majority and, despite never-ending problems, of his own and others' making, his grip on power with a parliamentary majority of more than 80, still seems secure. Meanwhile culture wars continue to rage.
How has media, worldwide, contributed, fulled or fought this populism. Cheerleaders? Critics? Supplicants?
This book examines those questions in 360 degrees with a distinguished cast of authors from journalism and academia.

The Authors
Introduction by Nick Robinson. Chapters by David Banks, Julian Barwell, Deborah Bonetti, Dorothy Byrne, Paul Ian Campbell, Barnie Choudhury, Tor Clark, Alex Cannock, Elena Cosentino, David Cowling, Professor Sir John Curtice, Professor Philip John Davies, Professor Robert Dover, Bill Dunlop, Mark Easton, Gavin Esler, Matt Frei, Gary Gibbon, Ken Goldstein, Clodagh Harrington, Imke Henkel, Will Hutton, Alistair Jones, Steven McCabe, Sara McConnell, John McLellan, James Mates, Julian Matthews, Robert Moore, Clive Myrie, Professor Julian Petley, Juliet Rix, Alan Rusbridger, Martin Shipton, David Smith, Maurice Smith, Raymond Snoddy, Jon Sopel, Mark Thompson, Professor Richard Tait, Gail Walker, Jim White and Peter York.

The Editors
John Mair, series editor of 40 'Hackademic' texts
Tor Clark, Associate Professor in Journalism, University of Leicester
Neil Fowler, former editor of four regional newspapers and Which? Magazine
Raymond Snoddy, media journalist
Richard Tait, Professor of Journalism, Cardiff University

Populism, the Pandemic and the Media
George Orwell, the Secret State and the Making of Nineteen Eighty-Four
by Richard Lance Keeble

To what extent did George Orwell's involvement with British secret intelligence influence the writing of Nineteen Eighty-Four? How crucial was his friendship with David Astor, the millionaire owner of the Observer, with his background in intelligence and the Special Operations Executive, in the making of his great dystopian masterpiece? Has the role of Julia - who conducts a passionate, secret affair with anti-hero Winston Smith in Nineteen Eighty-Four - as a possible Party spy engaged in a honeytrap operation, been marginalised too often?

These are just some of the questions highlighted in George Orwell, the Secret State and the Making of Nineteen Eighty-Four which brings together 24 fascinating, original and often controversial essays by Richard Lance Keeble - to mark the 70th anniversary of Orwell's untimely death at the age of only 46. In addition, the text examines:
  • Orwell's attitudes to sexuality reflected, in particular, in his essay on the sexy seaside postcards of Donald McGill;
  • Orwell's humorous writing in a range of texts including Homage to Catalonia (his account of fighting alongside the Republican militia during the Spanish civil war in 1937), 'Some thoughts on the common toad' and his 'As I Please' columns in Tribune;
  • Orwell as a literary journalist focusing on his extraordinary prep school memoir 'Such, Such Were the Joys';
  • Orwell as the inventor not only of Cultural Studies but also Journalism Studies;
  • Orwell as a film reviewer, and
  • Orwell as a proto-blogger.

John Rodden, the leading authority on Orwell's legacy, comments:
'Keeble's provocative collection of essays represents an original and significant contribution both to Orwell biography and literary criticism.'

D. J. Taylor, the award-winning biographer of Orwell, comments:
'Richard Keeble is an indefatigable guide to the latest developments in Orwell Studies. I read George Orwell, The Secret State and the Making of Nineteen Eighty-Four with both profit and pleasure.'

George Orwell, the secret state and the making of Nineteen Eighty-Four
Anti-Social Media?
Edited by John Mair, Tor Clark, Neil Fowler, Raymond Snoddy & Richard Tait

Social media has revolutionised journalism and wider society, for good and bad. Journalists have powerful tools - but are watching the collapse of a newspaper industry failing to compete with social media platforms. Individuals can make their contribution to the global conversation, but at the price of vicious and intimidatory trolling which threatens freedom of expression. Social media has transformed political campaigning but its recent misuse in the UK and US undermines democracy. This book recognises the good and looks at ways to minimise the bad, with contributions from leading experts in journalism, politics and digital media, as well as the latest academic research.

Contributors Professor Leighton Andrews, Paul Armstrong, Professor Patrick Barwise, Sir Peter Bazalgette, Amy Binns, Vincent Campbell, Baroness Shami Chakrabati, Jim Chisholm, Alex Connock, Paul Connew, Alex DeGroote, Sean Dodson, Torin Douglas, Bill Dunlop, Dipsy Edmunds, Professor Chris Frost, Professor Christian Fuchs, Professor Ivor Gaber, Alan Geere, Tom George, Faith Gordon, Christopher Graham, Phil Harding, Professor Jeff Jarvis, Gina Miller, Denis Muller, Agnes Nairn, Professor John Naughton, David Nolan, Michelle O'Reilly, John Price, Paul Reilly, Greg Rowett, Alan Rusbridger, Professor Richard Sambrook, Kostas Saltzis, Professor Michael Schrage, Prosper Tatendra, Mark Thompson and Claire Wolfe.

Editors John Mair has been the lead editor of all 25 Abramis 'hackademic' texts. He is a former BBC producer and university lecturer.
Tor Clark is Associate professor in journalism at the University of Leicester and a former regional newspaper editor.
Neil Fowler is the former editor of four UK regional daily newspapers and of Which? magazine. He is an Associate Member of Nuffield College, Oxford.
Raymond Snoddy OBE is the former media editor of The Times and media correspondent of the Financial Times.
Richard Tait CBE is Professor of Journalism at Cardiff University and former Editor In Chief of ITN.

The Abramis 'Hackademic' Series This is the 25th in the Abramis 'Hackademic' series. Titles have ranged from the Arab Spring to Phone Hacking to Brexit and Trump and the futures of the BBC and Channel Four. All are available on Amazon.

Anti_Social Media

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1 Leeds Medieval Studies Vol.1
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2 Design Aspects of Power Transformers and Reactors
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4 George Orwell Studies Vol.9 No.1
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10 Data Journalism: Inside the global future
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