Volume 9 No. 1 (2024) ISBN: 978-1-84549-839-9 |
- Finally: The rat has a voice – by Richard Lance Keeble
Short Story
- Nineteen Eighty-Four: The rat's tale – by D.J. Taylor
- Love, hate and freedom in Nineteen Eighty-Four – by Peter Brian Barry
- The picture of Winston Smith: George Orwell, Oscar Wilde and the fin de siècle legacy – by Henk Vynckier
- 'A sinking sensation': George Orwell and the RMS Titanic – by Nathan Waddell
- Modernism, realism and 'natural narrative': Contrasting 'A hanging' and 'Shooting an elephant' – by Cris Yelland
- Samuel Butler: The Victorian Orwell – by Hassan Akram
- Reading Orwell from the Global South – by Débora Reis Tavares
- Orwell's middle age anxiety – by Carrie Kancilia
- L.J. Hurst in conversation with Masha Karp, author of the widely-acclaimed George Orwell and Russia
- Captain Robinson: 'The Most Disreputable Englishman in Mandalay' – by Phil Baker
- 'A disillusioned little middle class boy': George Orwell, Harry Pollitt and The Road to Wigan Pier – by John Newsinger
- How I constructed the Newspeak language from Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four – by Brennan Conaway
- 'That bloody book', by John Scarborough; 'Elephant', 'George ponders dictatorship' and 'Shot but full', by Steve Dalzell
Book Reviews
Sarah E. Cornish on Julia, by Sandra Newman; Douglas Kerr on Burma Sahib, by Paul Theroux
And Finally
A special diary column for Orwellians - by New Pitcher
Volume 8 No. 2 (2024) ISBN: 978-1-84549-834-4 |
- Boom times for the Orwell Industry: A cause for celebration - by Richard Lance Keeble
- George Orwell and Somerset Maugham: A comparative study - by Hassan Akram
- BBC transcript found: 'The meaning of scorched earth' - by Darcy Moore
- Eileen, '1984' and Nineteen Eighty-Four - by John Rodden
- George Orwell Studies book reviews' editor Megan Faragher speaks with D.J. Taylor about his latest book, Orwell: The New Life
Book Reviews
Douglas Kerr on Beasts of England, by Adam Biles; Mir Ali Hosseini on The Socialist Patriot: George Orwell and War, by Peter Stansky; John Newsinger on The Never End: The Other Orwell, the Cold War, the CIA, MI6 and the Origin of Animal Farm, by John Reed; Richard Lance Keeble on Polymath: The Life and Professions of Dr Alex Comfort, Author of The Joy of Sex, by Eric Laursen; Megan Faragher on George Orwell: The Ethics of Equality, by Peter Brian Barry
Review Essay
- Wifedom: Fundamentally Flawed - by Richard Lance Keeble
And Finally
A new, lively, gossipy column by the appropriately anonymous New Pitcher to intrigue and entertain Orwellians
Volume 8 No. 1 (2023) ISBN: 978-1-84549-821-4 |
Guest Editorial
- Engaging Critically with a Writer who Can Still Surprise Us - by Nathan Waddell
- Big Brother, Big Tech: Doctorow's Little Brother and Huber's Orwell's Revenge - by Jackson Ayres
- The Essayist's Velvet Fist - by Mir Ali Hosseini
- George Orwell's Gandhi - by Douglas Kerr
- What Was Orwell's Conception of Free Speech? - by Mark Satta
- The Labyrinths of Nineteen Eighty-Four - by Selina-Marie Scholz and Geoff Rodoreda
- Critically Ill: George Orwell, Tragic Biography and the Crisis of Endings - by Kristin Bluemel
Other Papers
- John Bull's Other Airstrip: Orwell's Irish Blindspot - by Martin Tyrrell
- George Orwell, Ayer and Russell and the Battle for the Soul of Philosophy - by Peter Brian Barry
- Orwell in Cornwall - by Darcy Moore
- The Achievement of Ian Angus - by John Rodden
- The BBC'S Nineteen Eighty-Four Remastered for a New Generation - by Hassan Akram
- Attwood's Imaginary Interview with Orwell - by Richard Lance Keeble
- Pedagogy of the Distressed?: 'Politics and the English language' in and out of the Classroom - by John Rodden
Two Poems
- To George Orwell/Eric Blair - by Paul Abdul Wadud Sutherland
- A Song for Orwell - by David Punter
Tributes to the Founder of The Orwell Society
- Dione Venable's Contribution to the Development of Orwell Studies - by Quentin Kopp
- Dear Dione - by Darcy Moore
Book Reviews
Kristin Bluemel on George Orwell: The New Life, by D.J. Taylor; Bryan Yazell on The Tramp in British Literature, 1850-1950, by Luke Lewin Davies; Peter Brian Barry on George Orwell's Perverse Humanity: Socialism and Free Speech, by Glenn Burgess; Richard Lance Keeble on In Praise of Failure: Four Lessons in Humility, by Costica Bradatan
And Finally
New Pitcher (appropriately anonymous) launches a new, lively diary item to intrigue and entertain Orwellians
Volume 7 No. 2 (2023) ISBN: 978-1-84549-813-9 |
- Peter Davison: A Giant Among Orwell Scholars - by Richard Lance Keeble
- 'The Complete Works: Clear, Reliable, Scrupulous - and Beautiful' - by Douglas Kerr
- 'Esteemed by Other Orwellians for his Readiness to Offer Help and Encouragement' - by Darcy Moore
- Farewell & Hail, Peter! - by John Rodden
- 'He Was Nothing if not a Completist!' - by Richard Young
- How Peter Lives on at Birmingham University - by Nathan Waddell
- 'Peter: My Wonderful, Supportive Friend for 10 years' - by Sylvia Topp
- 'Rather a Great Man' - by D.J. Taylor
- Why A Literary Life is One of the Best Studies of Orwell - by John Newsinger
- An 'Unparalleled Feat of Respect, Curiosity and Love' - by Dorian Lynskey
- Ian Angus's Crucial Role in the Promotion of Orwell Studies - by John Lethbridge
- Introduction to Publication of Orwell's Original Manuscript for Nineteen Eighty-Four - by D.J. Taylor
- Richard Young on the Original 1984 Manuscript
- Big Brother Vladimir? - by John Rodden
Book Reviews
Martin Tyrrell on Orwell in Cuba: How 1984 came to be Published in Castro's Twilight, by Frederick Lavoie (translated by Donald Winkler); Tim Crook on The Radio Front: The BBC and the Propaganda War 1939-45, by Ron Bateman
Volume 7 No. 1 (2022) ISBN: 978-1-84549-808-5 |
- The Special Art of Editing and Annotating - by Richard Lance Keeble
- ‘A Great Prop of the School’: The Important Place of Sunderland Church High School in Understanding Eileen O’Shaughnessy - by Angela Smith
- Seeing What is In Front of One's Nose: George Orwell's Representation of Social Reality - by Dominic Angeloch
- The Elephant in the Room: Reassessing the Genre of George Orwell's 'Shooting an Elephant' - by Carol Biederstadt
- Retracing Orwell's Steps in Wigan - Balancing Curiosity with Respect - by Timothy Foster
- Authors and Titles Mentioned in The Road to Wigan Pier - by L. J. Hurst
- Reflections on 'St Andrew's Day, 1935' - by Douglas Kerr
- Why He Joined the I. L. P: Orwell, Brockway and the Struggle for Socialism - by John Newsinger
- Mary Poppins at the Ministry of Tweets – by John Rodden
- Orwell's Rats – by Darcy Moore
Book Reviews
Darcy Moore on Orwell and Empire, by Douglas Kerr; Richard Lance Keeble on Complete Drama Reviews by George Orwell, edited by Cole Davis, Complete Book Reviews by George Orwell, edited by Cole Davis and Revenge is Sour: Lesser-Known Short Works by George Orwell, edited by Cole Davis; Dennis Glover on Becoming George Orwell: Life and Letters, Legend and Legacy, by John Rodden
Volume 6 No. 2 (2022) ISBN: 978-1-84549-800-9 |
- Letters from Paris Throw New Insights on Orwell – by Richard Lance Keeble
- Orwell and the Secret Intelligence Service - by Darcy Moore
- The Problem with Julia - by G. Alexander Denning
- Disassembling the Myth of the Struggling Artist in George Orwell's Keep the Aspidistra Flying - by Rebecca Clayton
- A Textbook Case: Aligning Orwell and NCTJ Teaching - by Jaron Murphy
- Joyeux Anniversaires: Peter Stansky at 90, The Unknown Orwell at 50 - by John Rodden
- Retracing the Steps of Orwell and Dorothy Hare in Kent - by Neil Smith
- Orwell's Status as a Political Prophet on the Wane - by Nicholas Harris
- Beyond the 'Nancy Poet' Jibe: Orwell and Auden - by Richard Lance Keeble
- Orwell, Radio and the Propaganda War - by Ron Bateman
- In Search of Máirín Mitchell - by Martin Tyrrell
Book Reviews
Melissa Dinsman on Writing in the Dark: Bloomsbury, the Blitz and Horizon Magazine, by Will Loxley; Martin Tyrrell on Cold Warriors: Writers Who Waged the Literary Cold War, by Duncan White
Re-Evaluation: Laurence Brander's George Orwell (1954)
How One of the (Now Forgotten) First Studies of Orwell Captured the Man and his Writings - by Richard Lance Keeble
Volume 6 No. 1 (2021) ISBN: 978-1-84549-789-7 |
- The Rich and Constantly Expanding Canon of George Orwell Studies – by Richard Lance Keeble
- The True Artist: Poverty, Networking and Literary Artifice - by Darcy Moore
- Nineteen Eighty-Four: The First Sentence - by G. Alexander Denning
- 'V' is for Valencia: International Brigades' Counter-Intelligence Service Reports about Eileen and Eric Blair in Spain, 1937 - by Gleb Zilberstein, Svetlana Zilberstein and Pier Giorgio Righetti
- Fags, Facts, Fictions: Orwell and Cigarettes - by Richard Lance Keeble
- Orwell's Enduring Significance in Courts of Law – by Tim Crook
- 'The Orwellian Nightmare Come True' - by John Newsinger
- A Writer Well Worth ... Stealing? - by John Rodden
- Bertrand Russell and the Forgotten Fallacy in Nineteen Eighty-Four - by Peter Brian Barry
- Orwell and the Important Muggeridge Archive Revelations - by Richard Lance Keeble
- Waughfully Good Books? Revisiting Brideshead and Animal Farm at 75 - by John Rodden and John Rossi
Book Reviews
Laura Hartmann-Villalta on The International Brigades: Fascism, Freedom, and the Spanish Civil War, by Giles Tremlett; Peter Stansky on Orwell's Moustache, by Richard Lance Keeble
Volume 5 No. 2 (2021) ISBN: 978-1-84549-782-2 |
- Dangers of Exploiting 'Brand Orwell' – by Richard Lance Keeble
- Orwell in Burma: The Two Erics – by Darcy Moore
- Colonial Collections: Investigating the Libraries of Burmese Days – by Sarah Gibbs
- Orwell's Stolen Camera: Photographic Authority and Homage to Catalonia – by Ameya Tripathi
- O'Brien in Nineteen Eighty-Four: A New Interpretation – by G. Alexander Denning
- George Orwell on the Relationship Between Food and Thought – by Mark Satta
- The Pleasures and Politics of Food – by Richard Lance Keeble
- The George Orwell and H. G. Wells Row: Gain and Loss in the Utopian and Dystopian Feud – by Tim Crook
- In Defence of Eileen (and of Orwell) – by Sylvia Topp
- New Editions of the Works of George Orwell – as noted by L. J. Hurst
- Orwelliana – A Writer’s Life in a Collection – by Richard Young
- Two tributes to Philip Bounds by Richard Lance Keeble and John Newsinger
- Book reviews by Elysia Balavage, Tim Crook, Nick Hubble and Luke Young
Volume 5 No. 1 (2020) ISBN: 978-1-84549-774-3 |
- Explaining One of Orwell's Strange Prejudices – by Richard Lance Keeble
- Orwell's Scottish Ancestry and Slavery – by Darcy Moore
- Menon, Orwell and the Yeats Fascism Debate – by Jaron Murphy
- Orwell, Advertisements and the Political Economy of the Media – by Richard Lance Keeble
- Eric and Alaric: Orwell and his Shadow – by Tim Crook
- Each Herself – Fact, Fiction and Female Identity – by Ann Kronbergs
- The Hôpital Cochin and the Extraordinary Life (And Death) of Marthe Hanau – by John P. Lethbridge
- Thoughtcrime … im Zimmer 101 – by John Rodden
- How TB Can be Traced in ‘Forgotten’ Spanish Civil War Letter – by Gleb Zilberstein, Svetlana Zilberstein and Pier Giorgio Righetti
- Film Review, Book Reviews, Radio Review and Review Essay
Volume 4 No. 2 (2020) ISBN: 978-1-84549-763-7 |
- How the Spotlight is Increasingly Falling on the Powerful Women in Orwell's life – by Richard Lance Keeble
- Orwell in Marrakech - by Kevin Carter
- Orwell's Aunt Nellie - by Darcy Moore
- Orwellian or Campbellian? 'Invisible Sources' in Orwell's 'Shooting an Elephant' and Burmese Days - by Carol Biederstadt
- Orwell's Evil-Scepticism - by Peter Brian Barry
- Orwell and Dress: The Naked Truth? - by Richard Lance Keeble
- What If He Had Lived … or Waited? George Orwell and Counterfactual Biography - by John Rodden
- Stansky and Abrahams: Orwell's First Biographers - by Darcy Moore
Book Reviews
- By Thomas J. Sojka, Polly Hember, Jonathan Greenaway and Daniel Buckingham
Volume 4 No. 1 (2019) ISBN: 978-1-84549-753-8 |
Rebel? Prophet? Relic? New Perspectives on Orwell
Guest Editorial
- Orwell's Enduring Appeal – by Sarah Gibbs
- Orwell, My 'Orwell' – by John Rodden
- Red Flags, Black Ties: Orwell's Anarchist Sympathies and The Conquest of Bread in Spain – by Dana Wight
- Surveillance From Orwell to Orwell: The Power of Vision in Popular Culture – by Xiaozhou Li
- The Politics of the Uncanny: George Orwell and the Paranormal – by Philip Bounds
- Nineteen Eighty-Four, the Secret State and the Julia Conundrum – by Richard Lance Keeble
- Memoirs of Orwell: The Quest for the Truth – by Jeffrey Meyers
- Barnhill: A Labour of Love – by Norman Bissell
- Leon Gellert, George Orwell and Nineteen Eighty-Four – by Darcy Moore
- 1984 in 2020: The Deeper Concerns – by Tom Cooper
- By Alexis Pogorelskin, Desmond Avery and Richard Lance Keeble
Volume 3 No. 2 (2019) ISBN: 978-1-84549-742-2 |
- Humour beyond the gloom of Nineteen Eighty-Four – by Richard Lance Keeble
Nineteen Eighty-Four and Me
- An Invitation to Big Brother – by Ron Bateman
- George Orwell and the Millennial Whoop? The Enduring Relevance of the Music of Nineteen Eighty-Four – by Carol Biederstadt
- Child Lore in Nineteen Eighty-Four – by Kristin Bluemel
- '23-F' vs '24-F': On Learning about Orwell at a Momentous Time in Spanish History – by Jesús Isaías Gómez López
- (Close) Encounters with George? – by John Rodden
- Patriarchal Norms and Sexual Desire in Michael Radford's Film of Nineteen Eighty-Four – by Martin Stollery
- Who was Julia? Nineteen Eighty-Four's Many Heroines – by D. J. Taylor
- Names in Burmese Days: A Fantasia – by Douglas Kerr
- Orwell and Captain Robinson's 'Poet': A More Than Cautionary Note – by Phil Baker
- Orwell in Paris: Who Was Ruth Graves? – by Darcy Moore
- Gordon Bowker: So Wonderfully Insightful into Orwell the Man and his Writings – by Richard Lance Keeble
- Tombs: Sharing Orwell's Penchant for Puncturing Shibboleths – by Darcy Moore
Volume 3 No. 1 (2018) ISBN: 978-1-84549-734-7 |
Special Issue: Orwell and the Arts
Guest Editorial
- Examining the 'Genius' of Orwell's Art – by Tim Crook
- Keynote: Orwell and Literary Art – by Len Platt
- 'The Art of Donald McGill': Orwell and the Pleasures of Sex – by Richard Lance Keeble
- Performance and Spectation in Orwell's Burmese Days – by Douglas Kerr
- Orwell, Poetry and the Microphone – by Tim Crook
Short Story
- 2017 My Year of Orwell – and One Last Gift – by Nicola Rossi
- ‘Room 103’: Orwell’s Influence on Contemporary Visual Art – by Glenn Ibbitson
Other Papers
- Orwell and the Appeal of Opium – by Darcy Moore
- Orwell as Social Patriot – and British Cinema Studies – by Martin Stollery
Volume 2 No. 2 (2018) ISBN: 978-1-84549-727-9 |
- 'This Poor Wailer Among the Rebels': Orwell, O'Casey and Ireland – by John Newsinger
- 'A Strange Desire of Wandering': The Female Body and the Problematic Structure of A Clergyman's Daughter – by Zhang Weiliang
- Nineteen Eighty-Four and Brave New World: Complementary Visions Reconsidered – by Anna Vaninskaya
- 'Such, Such Were the Joys' and the Journalistic Imagination – by Richard Lance Keeble
- More Orwellian than Feminist: Comparing Nineteen Eighty-Four and Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale – by Ron Bateman
- Collecting Orwell: A Kind of Compulsion – by Darcy Moore
Volume 2 No. 1 (2017) ISBN: 978-1-84549-717-0 |
Special Section 1: Teaching Orwell, edited by Tim Crook
- George Orwell versus Vera Brittain: Obliteration Bombing and the Tolerance in Wartime of Dissent in Weekly Political Publications – by Tim Luckhurst and Lesley Phippen
- Big Brother is Coming to an iPad Near You: Teaching Orwell in Taiwan – by Henk Vynckier
- Orwell and the Anarchists – by David Goodway
- Orwell the Teacher: Such, Such Were the Joys – by Tim Crook
- Orwell's Children: Fighting for Voice – by Jon Preston
- The Rhetoric of Doublethink – by Philip Palmer
- A Short History of Hate – by Sean Cubitt
Special Section 2: Orwell and Labour, edited by John Newsinger
- Orwell, the Labour Party and the Attlee Government – by John Newsinger
- Leaders and their Qualities: Orwell on Cripps, Bevan and Attlee – by Philip Bounds
- So What Kind of Democratic Socialist Was He? – by Paul Anderson
- The Orwell Conundrum in Coming Up for Air: A Call for Action or Passive Resistance? – by Oriol Quintana
- Death, Hegemony and Masks: Reimaging Theories of Resistance Through the Writings of George Orwell – by Harry Bark
Volume 1 No. 2 (2017) ISBN: 978-1-84549-705-7 |
- The Architecture of Visibility: Blitzed Modernism in Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four – by Lisa Mullen
- Beyond the Common Toad: The Animal in Orwell – by Charlie Salter
- C. L. R. James, George Orwell and ‘Literary Trotskyism’ – by Christian Høgsbjerg
- It Happened in Burma…Or did it? – by Ron Bateman
Volume 1 No. 1 (2016) ISBN: 978-1-84549-693-7 |
- Orwell, Poland and Polish Exiles in Paris and London – by Krystyna Wieszczek
- George Orwell's Conrad – by Douglas Kerr
- Orwell and the Anarchists – by David Goodway
- Only Donkeys Survive Tyranny and Dictatorship: Was Benjamin George Orwell's Alter Ego in Animal Farm? – by Tim Crook (view here)
- 'The End was Contained in the Beginning': Orwell's Kyauktada and Oceania – by Firas A. J. Al-Jubouri
- 'The Lesser Evil': Orwell and America – by John Newsinger
- The Edges of the Empire: The Symbolism of Bladed Weapons in Orwell's Burmese Days – by Don Arp, Jr.
- The Poet Who Wanted to Shoot an Elephant – by Gerry Abbott