Journalism and creative non-fiction within isolation: An introduction by Ben Stubbs
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A literary rhythmanalysis of queer life writing from COVID-19 home isolation by Amelia Walke
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Reclaiming agency through film education by Jenn Durrett
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Refugee publicness through rhizomatic alternative media by Rob Sharp
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The Independent Press Standards Organisation: Standard setter or complaints pacifier? by Chris Frost
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Peace journalism and the value in process: Working with children in Northern Ireland by David Baines
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'Next Generation' PR: The rise of 'digital communications' in a post-neoliberal society by Kristin Demetrious
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Leaving Auschwitz: Exploring the complexities of third generation Holocaust narrative by Janine Schloss
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In word and deed: A scenic story about guilt in the third generation by Simon Arnold
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Guest editorial: How Indigenous narratives are embedded within, emerging from and calling across landscapes by O. Ripeka
Mercier, Beth
Ginondidoy Leonard, Debra Harry
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Speaking into the silences: American Indian representation and negotiation in news media by Melissa Greene-Blye
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Collaborative reflection and trauma: Narrative writing as a healing intervention by Anna
Denejkina, Sue Joseph
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Communication and relationships in the digital age by Slavica Kodish
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Women's empathetic interventions in true crime storytelling by Ruth C Fogarty
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The ethics of bearing witness: Subject empowerment versus true crime intrigue in Kim Longinotto's Shooting the mafia (2019) by George S Larke-Walsh
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The 'transformative academic' by Richard Lance Keeble
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Humans as cultural beings in theory and practice by Clifford G Christians
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Towards restorative narrative by Pratap Rughani
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'It's not easy to do a WikiLeaks': A cypherpunk approach to global media ethics by Patrick D. Anderson
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Trauma in the newsroom: Lessons on the importance of Australia's YZ case by Alexandra
Wake, Matthew Ricketson
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Challenges facing local media and its practitioners across the globe (Editorial) by Tom Bradshaw
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Ethical implications of key concepts and issues in current local media research by David
Baines, Agnes Gulyas
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Local journalism and the ethics of inquiry by Kristy
Hess, Kerry
McCallum, Lisa
Waller, Alanna Myers
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Moral agency in sports journalism: A phenomenological analysis by Tom Bradshaw
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Comforting the comfortable: How the corporate media covered Chile's October 2019 social explosion by Antonio Castillo
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Reporting on the pandemic: The ethical challenges faced by journalists by Tina
Bettels-Schwabbauer, Paula Kennedy
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Arabic narratives: A study of Gulf Press coverage of the Covid-19 pandemic by Ahmed
Mansoori, Muhammed Musa
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Beyond fear: Reflections on Covid coverage by scholars and practitioners worldwide by John Mair
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Issues and limitations in data journalism covering the Covid-19 pandemic: The Italian case by Philip Di Salvo
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Trauma seeks trauma: One journalist's experience of terror echoes back to WWII by Carmen Jacques
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Can trolling be taught? Educating journalism students to identify and manage trolling - an ethical necessity by Jay Daniel Thompson
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Reporting corruption: An ethical imperative for Latin American journalists by Antonio Castillo
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Close travel: On the ethics of writing about the near-at-hand by Ben Stubbs
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Ethical dilemmas in reporting terrorist attacks by Verica
Rupar, Colleen Murrell
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Christchurch mosques shooting: Reflections and confessions by Rukhsana Aslam
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Goalden girls? An analysis of English newspaper coverage of the England national team at UEFA Women's Euro 2017 by Scott Williams
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Girls Do Sport: Mainstreaming the space of transformative educational contexts in Scotland by Elizabeth
McLaughlin, Kathryn A Burnett
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Open discourse: A media theory for the twenty-first century by Denis Muller
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Online trolls, journalism and the freedom of speech: Are the bullies taking over? by Claire J B Wolfe
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When journalism isn't enough: 'Horror surrealism' in Behrouz Boochani's testimonial prison narrative by Willa McDonald
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Dumbs gone to Iceland: (Re)presentations of English national identity during Euro 2016 and the EU referendum by Roger Domeneghetti
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Accountable sports journalism. Building up a platform and a new specialised code in the field by Xavier
Ramon-Vegas, José-Luis Rojas-Torrijos
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Self-censorship and the pursuit of truth in sports journalism: A case study of David Walsh by Tom Bradshaw
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When a community rises up against fake news: The Change Makers' Project by Scott Downman
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Jokes in public: The ethical implications of radio prank calls by Subin
Paul, John C Carpenter
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'My four year old is an asshole': Considering ethical challenges of children as the butt of jokes in contemporary comedy and satire by Kai Hanno Schwind
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How ethics is taught at leading institutions in the Pacific region by Thomas Cooper
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John Stuart Mill: Freedom of expression and harm in the 'post-truth' era by Tom Bradshawa
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The ethical turn in considering hidden children's Holocaust testimony as historical reconstruction by Julie Wheelwright
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Communication and globalisation: A justification for critical pedagogy by Andrea
Patterson-Masuka, Omar Omar Swartz
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Special issue - Beyond clickbait and commerce: The ethics, possibilities and challenges of not-for-profit media Ethical Space Vol.13 No.2/3 by Judith
Townend, Denis
Muller, Richard Lance
Keeble, Mel
Bunce, Clare
Cook, Dave
Harte, Jonathan
Heawood, Lyn
McGaurr, Jocelyn E. Williams
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Electoral guerrilla theatre in the 2015 UK general election: Critique, legitimacy and incorporation in the news coverage of celebrity election campaigns
by Jeremy Collins
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How the internet reduces journalists' chances to hold politicians to account by Nicholas Jones
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Spies and journalists: Towards an ethical framework? by Paul Lashmar
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Assessing interdisciplinary academic and multistakeholder positions on transparency in the post-Snowden leak era
by Vian
Bakir, Andrew McStay
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Reporter power: News organisations, duty of care and the use of locally-hired news gatherers in Syria by Richard Pendry
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The work and 'architecture of listening': Requisites for ethical organisation-public communication by Jim Macnamara
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Richard Hoggart and Pilkington: Populism and public service broadcasting by Julian Petley
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Richard Hoggart: My father's legacy by Paul Hoggart
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Towards 'mindful journalism': Applying Buddhism's Eightfold Path as an ethical framework for modern journalism by Mark Pearson
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Layers of consent by Judith Townend
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‘An establishment newspaper’: The politics of the Eastern Daily Press by Ian Sinclair
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The state journalism is in: Edward Snowden and the British press by Julian Petley
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Phone hacking and bribery: Justice and journalism both on trial by Nicholas Jones
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The 'morally defensible' journalist: Shedding 'performance' and managing an ethic of empathy within personal trauma narrative by Sue Joseph
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A Gandhian conundrum: The ethical dilemma in the Indian sustainability discourse by Prithi Nambiar
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Democratic affordances: Politics, media, and digital technology after WikiLeaks by Gerard Goggin
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Is peace journalism feasible? Pointers for research and media development by Jake Lynch
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Leveson: Solution or symptom? Class, crisis and the degradation of civil life by John Steel
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Leveson online: A publicly reported inquiry by Judith Townend
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Social justice communication scholarship and the need to challenge the rhetoric of market fundamentalism (advance publication) by Ayo Oyeleye
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Privacy in Social Network Sites (SNS): The threats from data mining by Yeslam
Al-Saggaf, Md Zahidul Islam
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From principle to practice: Expanding the scope of scholarship on media ethics by Nicole
Joseph, Pablo Boczkowski
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Black role models and the news by Kerry
Moore, John Jewell
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The pen and the sword: Media transformation and democracy after apartheid by Lynette Steenveld
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Ofcom: An evaluation of UK broadcast journalism regulation of news and current affairs by Chris Frost
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The revolution must wait: Economic, business and financial journalisms beyond the 2008 crisis by Gary James Merrill
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Sub-contracting newsgathering in Iraq by Richard Pendry
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Covering the cover-up: The Hutton report in UK television news by Justin Schlosberg
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Disliking public relations: Democratic ideals and the habits of ethical communicators by Peter
Simmons, Barbara Walsh
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Defending John Pilger's journalism on Israel and Palestine by Jake
Lynch, Catherine
Dix, Stuart Rees
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Taking the BS out of PR: Creating genuine messages by emphasising character and authenticity by Kevin
Stoker, Brad Rawlins
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In search of a code of global information ethics: The road travelled and new horizons by Rafael
Capurro, Johannes B. Britz
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Judith Townend examines the Popbitch celebrity newsletter and wonders whether teasing (and sometimes spiteful) gossip can ever be justified
The ethics of the 'blind story' and 'fair game' gossip: Examining Popbitch by Judith Townend
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Nicholas Jones on the ethics of saying 'sorry' and the part apologies play in the hyper-personalisation of political coverage
The hyperpersonalisation of political coverage: The ethics of saying sorry by Nicholas Jones
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Almost a decade after the collapse of Enron, Shannon Bowen suggests that it is time to ask what lessons have been learned from the unethical conduct of the organisation
Have we learned lessons from inside the crooked E, Enron? by Shannon Bowen
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In his Richard Dunn Memorial Lecture at the MediaGuardian Edinburgh International Television Festival in August 2009, Robert Peston asked: "Will the new digital news industry promote or undermine the wide distribution of high quality news, which is so essential to a thriving democracy?" In the new digital world. There is a stronger need than ever for subsidised, public-service news by Robert Peston
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Financial blogs show us the extent to which the media's institutional constraints were both an asset and a major liability when covering the biggest financial story of our time, according to top media blogger Kristine Lowe How blogs challenged and transformed mainstream media coverage of the credit crisis by Kristine Lowe
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Francesco Guerrera argues that journalists were lied to by many who were benefiting from the boom. But they were not good enough to see through the lies Why generalists were not equipped to cover the complexities of the crisis by Francesco Guerrera
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Nicholas Jones reveals how the government sought to manipulate the media coverage of the crash. Once again leaks to favoured journalists and briefings to selected news outlets were the order of the day Media manipulation behind the Great Crash of 2008 by Nicholas Jones
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Jacquie L'Etang traces the history of the 'Radical PR' group, assesses its achievements to date - and looks to the future 'Radical PR' - catalyst for change or an aporia? by Jacquie L'Etang
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Integrating the shadow: A Jungian approach to professional ethics in public relations by Johanna Fawkes
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Learning from the experts: How ethics and moral philosophy are taught at leading English-speaking institutions by Tom Cooper
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Printing devils: Reflections on the British press, the problem of 'evil' and fables of social dis-ease by John Tulloch
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Spiral of cynicism: Are media researchers mere observers? by Gitte
Meyer, Anker Brink Lund
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'"Maddy" mania': John Mair explores some of the ethical issues arising from the global media-hype surrounding the disappearance of Madeleine McCann The McCanns and the media: A morality tale for our times? by John Mair
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The growing calls in Kenya for the media to put their houses in order Time to harvest? Media, corruption and elections in Kenya by Fredrick Mudhai
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Loath to Admit: Pressures on the Ethical Disclosure of News Release Sources by Journalists by Peter Simmons
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Special issue on ethics and the Internet International news on the internet: Why more is less by Chris Paterson
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